Flying Spaghetti Monster Christmas Decorations

You guys sent me a lot of Holiday FSM decoration photos, I'll post them here. I love them all.

Bradley's tree:

And Pirate Rudolph:

Phil's tree:

Chad's tree:

Chad's tree:

It seems that His Noodliness has made His way onto my family's X-mas Tree. My parents agreed to let him stay for this year, making this year's Holiday a very Spaghetti-themed season for us. RAmen, and Happy Holidays!

PS: Keep spreading the news of His Noodly Grace!

Barnacle Jayne's tree:

Matty's tree:

So these are my pics of my home made Flying Spaghetti Monsters on our family "christmas" tree.

My Roman Catholic Grandmother wasnt to happy but i twisted her arm and now shes knitting me a FSM :D

Matty's Pastamas card:

Allison's tree:

I just wanted to share a picture of our Christmas tree, which is now blessed by His Noodly Appendages. My six year old is delighted, and has been spreading the word to her Grandparents. I have a feeling that this will be a terrific holiday.



Josh's tree:

My mom, sister, brother and I are all recently converted Pastafarians. Were were simultaenously touched by his Noodly Appendage. Decidedly, this Holdiay season, we decided to place His Noodliness atop our pagan tree.


John's tree:

I thought you should know that His Noodliness has seen fit to manifest Himself atop our winter solstice pagan celebration plastic tree! I've attached a couple of pictures so you can share news of this holy event.


Stephen's ornament:

Here is the FMS ornament I made for our lab tree (an Evolutionary ecology lab at UCalgary). Thanks for spreading the word and may you be touched by his noodly appendage this holiday season.


p.s. it looked a lot better before we tried to dry it in the drying oven and partially melted it

Amada's Crocheted FSM:

The Holiday tree that I have on my desk at work looked very lonely, and the pirates guarding it needed a friend. Luckily, inspiration struck and I crocheted this likeness of His Holy Noodliness to grace its tiny branches. The tree, the pirates and the FSM all look very happy together now. Even better, whenever someone asks me about the "octopus" I have draped over my tree, I have an opportunity to spread the word of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
May you be touched by His Noodly Appendages!

Ehren's tree:

A beautiful and historically accurate pasta tree from Capt'in Jay and Cai The Salty Wench from South Africa:

Phil's FSM ornament:

I wanted to share with you my Flying Spaghetti Monster Christmas Tree Ornament that I made out of Sculpey clay on Thanksgiving nite.

Every year my brother throws a Decompression party on Thanksgiving evening. After everyone gets done dealing with their multitude of relatives, friends come over to decompress from all the family pressure. We hang out, drink booze, make Christmas Tree ornaments from Sculpey, and watch old time Christmas Specials. This year we watched He-man, The Smurfs, Mr. Bean, and Pee-Wee's Playhouse. Thank His Noodleyness for You-Tube. I chose to honor Him this year. Other people made Starchild from KISS, Han Solo in Carbonite with a Santa hat, and an Elephant. Others can be seen on the wall mounted Christmas tree if you so desire to look.

It took me about 45-1 hour to make. The hardest part was rolling out the spaghetti and then trying to wrap it around the meatballs and eye stalks.

Take Care,
Phil Sholtes

Matthias's tree:

It's that time of the year again and, inspired by his Noodly Holyness, we set forth to decorate our christmas tree with the most loving (the only!) deity there is: FSM. The tree is set up in our living room, for all visitors to see (and, hopefully, place presents under it).

Kind regards and (soon) happy holidays,


I made this for my husband as a holiday gift, and then found pictures of others on your site; I couldn't resist sending pictures. And, as an extra bonus, the noodley appendages glow in the dark!

Lisa sent in this ornament made by a six year old :

Johanna's ornament:

I made this ornament out of Sculpey. I wonder if you check out from time to time– now and again I see really cool FSM artwork on that site. :)



Dave's office door and ornament:

Mary made this ornament for her boyfriend:

Janette's ornament:

My best friend is having a non sectarian shrubbery decorating party and I felt it wouldn't be complete without fsm.

I made it on the fly out of the pompoms from my gloves that were becoming cumbersome.

Happy non sectarian winter holiday!

Quan's tree-topper:

Dan and Victoria's wreath:

My wife and I decided to get into the true "Holiday" spirit and design and build an homage to our noodley lord. His bright glow and cool shine remind us daily of the real reason for the season.

Faithful followers and pirates,

Dan and Victoria

Loran and Armin's tree:

My pirate lady and I were decorating our FSM Holiday Bush when His Noodliness appeared and gave us a sign that he approves. We could have attracted Him eariler in our attempts of placing lights on the bush and ending up in a tangled noodly mess. Never the less we were honored to have been touched by His Noodly Appendage. RAmen!

Flying Spaghetti Monster Christmas Decorations


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