Black Ops 3 Calling Cards and How to Get Them

Dead Ops Arcade 3 Guide by MKillBillDonate directly to the author of this contribution

Version: 2.1 | Updated: 08/03/2021

Table of Contents

  1. About This Guide
  2. Version History
  3. New in Dead Ops 3
  4. Controls / How to Play
  5. Game Mode Types
  6. Weapon Arsenal
  7. Item Pickups
  8. Enemies and Hazards
  9. General Advice
  10. Critical Intel
  11. The Mamaback Trail
    1. Island (1-4)
    2. Training Camp (5-8)
    3. Junkyard (9-12)
    4. Mausoleum (13-16)
    5. Graveyard (17-20)
    6. Spawn Temple (21-24)
    7. Water Temple (25-28)
    8. Hot Springs (29-32)
    9. Winter Cave (33-36)
    10. Ice Rink (37-40)
    11. Bloodpool (41-44)
    12. Sleepy Hollow (45-48)
    13. Castle Moat (49-52)
    14. Mama's House (53-56)
    15. The Throneroom (57-60)
    16. Mamaback's Lair (61-64)
    17. BOSS FIGHT (Mama Silverback)
  12. Post-Mamaback Strategy (65+)
  13. The Wild
    1. The Wild (Between rounds 4-5)
    2. The Wild (Journey to the Room of Fate)
    3. The Wild (Between rounds 36-37)
    4. The Wild (Between rounds 60-61)
  14. The Room of Fate
    1. Fate Stones
    2. Solo Fate VS Team Fate Strategy
    3. Fate Rock Combinations
  15. The Room of Judgement
  16. Deadly Dungeons
  17. Bonus Rooms/Areas
    1. Silverback Slideways
  18. Calling Cards
  19. Cardinal Sins
  20. FAQ's
  21. About the Author
  22. Donations
  23. Legal

Calling Cards

I didn't have any intentions of including a section about calling cards in this guide as it is unrelated to actual strategy. But with the addition of trophies/achievements for DOA3, there has been a pretty big clamoring for it. In all honesty most of the calling cards can be achieved through normal gameplay over time; however, there are several (most notably getting a 7x multiplier and the Pristine Pelt) that will cause many players to pull out their hair. For that reason, here is a section dedicated to helping you achieve all the DOA3 calling cards, including the 2 Dark Ops cards.

Like any other calling card in Cold War, unlocking one in DOA3 will reward the player with experience points that can be applied toward leveling up towards a higher prestige. Unfortunately, there is no way to earn normal experience points towards rank progression in this mode aside from the calling cards. Listed below are all of the available cards in this game.

Damage Delivery CC
Damage Delivery - Kill 750 zombies with the mech, tank, or hind.

  • Pretty straight-forward. Use any vehicle to get this one done. It can take a while to complete since vehicles are hard to come by at times. If you want to do this one quickly, enter the Wild after round 4 and use the pressure switch right next to a pillar before the bottleneck. With luck, a tank or mech will be on the elevator and you can mow down a good chunk of zombies. Do this a few times and it's on to the next one.

New School CC
New School - Kill 3000 zombies in first-person mode.

  • This one will come naturally through playing the game. Pick up every first person icon you can find and go to town. Nothing to it but to do it.

Cant Touch This
Can't Touch This - Reach a 7x score multiplier.

  • Considering the multiplier bar builds much slower than the first two DOA games, this challenge looks rather intimidating. It can still be accomplished with some planning (and playing cautiously so you don't die.) When attempting to tackle this CC, keep the following things in mind...
    • Common sense but... DON'T DIE. Your multiplier is reset to 1x after death, so just start over if this happens.
    • Again common sense...pickup every single last bit of treasure that spawns on the screen.
    • Take your time. There is no time limit anywhere in the game aside from bonus levels, so play cautiously to lessen your risk of death.
    • Unless you are playing with friends, it is recommended to attempt this challenge on solo. I promise you will never complete this while playing with randoms (unless you are a DOA God in which case you wouldn't be reading this guide.) Every treasure picked up counts toward your multiplier. No sense in allowing other players to take treasure by accident. EVERY TREASURE MATTERS.
    • Try to complete this challenge in the Wild right after round 4. If you have to go into round 5 and beyond, it gets much more dicey having to go through actual levels as death is much more likely.
    • Kill every Underboss you encounter in the Wild. They all drop treasure and gems. There will be 2-3 Gegenees bosses (6-armed guys), 2 helephants, and the Werewolf at the top of the mountain. There is also an optional battle with the Blightfather if you have a surplus of keys and want to take the left path after the Abandoned Temple after completing everything else, but you shouldn't need to do that.
      • If you encounter a Margwa, you don't need to worry about killing it as it won't drop any treasure.
    • You will need to get lucky with key spawns. You will need a minimum of 5 keys which MUST be used in doors to get up to the Fire Mountain. After that, you will probably need AT LEAST an additional 3-4 keys for use on treasure chests for a significant boost to the multiplier. It will take quite a few key chests to complete this challenge.
      • When searching for keys, be sure to get the Arcade Machine after round 4. Hope for the blue sky which has a guaranteed key spawn.
      • Search the outer edges of the map for keys, especially in the trees. Use the camera flip function to aid in finding hidden areas if necessary.
      • SAVE THE DARK CRYPT IN WILD SECTION 3 FOR THE END. There are always 2-3 key chests in this bonus area and you will be unable to open them early on if saving keys for the Fire Mountain. However, after completing the lava island section of the Wild, you will most likely have a surplus of keys to burn.
    • Search all 4 Deadly Dungeons from start to finish. Keys will often drop at the start and sometimes in the dungeon itself. Be sure to search through every pot, box, and treasure chest. Pray for some luck and you might get a Dark Crypt bonus room which has even more treasure.

Tools of the Trade CC
Tools of the Trade - Kill 3000 zombies using boosters or bombs.

  • This one is also relatively simple. Just make use of your armory and it will eventually unlock over time.

Exceptional Trophy Room CC
Exceptional Trophy Room - Defeat the Mamaback and one of each type of the Mamaback's Minions.

  • This is my personal favorite CC in the entire game. As the card states, you need to kill every enemy type in the game. What it doesn't tell you is that underbosses (Gegenees, the Werewolf, Blightfather, Margwa, Helephant, Skeleton King) do not need to be completely killed, only damaged. If you are looking to track progress on this calling card, head over to the Enemies and Hazards section for a complete listing of all 30 trackable enemies that count toward this card.

NOTE: This calling card is glitched as of 1/24/21. There have been reports of it randomly unlocking despite not actually beating the Mamaback or killing all of the enemies. I can attest to this as it happened to me as well. You might get lucky with this one too.

Dont Call Me Chicken CC
Don't Call Me Chicken - Kill 1000 zombies using chickens.

  • Another naturally occurring challenge. Just be sure to pickup every single chicken powerup you run across and this will eventually unlock over time.

Gorilla Stalker CC
Gorilla Stalker - Complete all 6 challenges listed above in blue.

  • This Calling Card will automatically unlock once the previous 6 challenges have been completed.

Full Arsenal CC
Full Arsenal - In a single game, reach max gun power (purple) for each of the 7 player weapons.

  • The easiest way to do this is get the Weapons Depot bonus room. 6 of the 7 available weapons can be found there. Pickup every single weapon in the room without exception (don't forget about the 2 hidden nukes behind the fence on the lefthand side of the room before you leave.) As for the other weapon, your starting gun, all you have to do is acquire it normally in the game or get a couple ammo cans while using your base gun.

Archaeologist CC
Archaeologist - In a single game, find and complete all 4 Deadly Dungeons in the Wild.

  • Don't confuse this with the trophy/achievement which requires you to walk across and uncover every section of the dungeon. You need to find all 4 dungeons, then go to the exit ladder on the other side of the dungeon to complete it. LEAVING VIA THE ENTRANCE LADDER DOES NOT COUNT!
  • If you need help finding the dungeons, refer to the Deadly Dungeon section.

Bonus Round CC
Bonus Round - Complete 10 bonus areas

  • This card will unlock naturally as you play the game. If you want to get it done quickly though, go to the Wild after round 4 and just look for an arcade machine. Now reset and do that 9 more times and the card is yours.
  • Need help finding the arcade machines? Check the Wild - Part 1 section for their locations.

Moving On Up CC
Moving On Up - Teleport away from 25 arenas

  • Each arena consists of 4 rounds. Every time you complete an arena and step on the exit teleporter, that counts as one notch toward this achievement. This CC will unlock naturally as you play the game. If you are not that good and want this done quickly however, just beat the Island 25 times (100 rounds) and the card will unlock.

Invictus CC
Invictus - Be fated 5 times in the Room of Fate.

  • This one is simple enough. Just get to the room of fate 5 times and make sure you choose a stone when given the prompt. If you want to do it quickly, be sure you take the short way to the ROF by getting there through the Wild after round 4, rather than waiting for round 20.

Topple Mama
Topple Mama - Defeat the Mamaback.

  • Just beat DOA3, that's all you have to do. Go through 64 levels of mayhem and then 3+ hours later, if you are skilled/lucky enough, you can add this massive achievement to your collection. Need help getting this card? That's what this guide is for. Go read it!

Silverback Expedition Master CC
Silverback Expedition Master - Complete all 6 challenges listed above in orange.

  • This Calling Card will automatically unlock once the previous 6 challenges have been completed.


Pristine Pelt
Pristine Pelt - Defeat the Mamaback without dying a single time in the boss round.

  • Without question, one of the hardest calling cards to obtain in all of DOA3, and Cold War for that matter. You can die as many times as you want throughout the game, but as soon as the BOSS ROUND text appears to start the battle - you cannot go down at all.

NOTE: The strategies outlined below are designed to help earn the Pristine Pelt calling card, but will leave you in seriously bad shape for playing past that point. Only commit to the below strategy if you have no intentions of playing beyond the Mamaback boss fight.

    • Ensure you have Furious Feet as one of your perks to aid in escaping Mama as she is rather fast.
      • If you are a decently skilled player, you can also opt to use Firepower as this will aid in crushing the Mamaback even faster than normal.
    • You want to come into this battle with as much armory as possible. This is, of course, easier said than done, but if you have been reading this guide and abiding by the rules and tips laid out then you should have a decent stash by now. Every time you use a nuke/boost, it gives you about 3 seconds of invincibility.
    • Pickup all weapon drops you can find. Better weapons will aid in dropping the beast very fast, especially if you find a shotgun or the death machine.
    • Focus on the boss as much as possible and ignore all other zombies on the map unless they pose an immediate threat.
    • There are several ways to approach this, depending on how many players are on your team and what fates you bring along from the ROF or a DD if lucky.
    • Ideally, all players aside from the host should be down with zero lives (and lots of armory) and waiting to revive when the boss fight is starting. The host can then donate their lives to the other players to bring them back to life which will give powerups to the donator; possibly some armory as well.
      • Even more ideal, the host should be running Chalice so that when they donate lives, the person who revives will ALSO get rewards just like the reviver. This is more feasible on 3-4 player games.
    • The host should be the only player anywhere near the Mamaback. This ensures everybody else stays relatively safe and the boss will not start targeting or dashing toward them. During this time, all other players need to stay away from the boss and provide support fire on the boss or take down all other zombies on the map when necessary.
    • Use your armory at the slightest hint of danger/death. Remember, you get about 3 seconds invincibility after using a piece of armory, so do what you must to stay alive.
      • AVOID DOUBLE NUKING. Teamwork is absolutely crucial in this battle. All players need to be aware of the armory of all other players. Make sure everyone is calling out nuke drops to conserve armory. Have a strategy in place to ensure only one piece of armory is used at a time.

King of Silverbacks
King of Silverbacks -
Obtain a lifetime score of 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) points.

  • There's nothing fancy about this one. Only the most hardcore of Dead Ops players will achieve this calling card. In fairness, anybody can get this calling card. Just keep playing, playing, and playing until you can't play anymore...then keep on playing. Eventually, this card will unlock and you can flex with the best of them.

Black Ops 3 Calling Cards and How to Get Them


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